DAPHNE continued

DAPHNE sericea 
Some sources suggest that D. sericea is actually the same as D. collina. We cannot agree with that! The foliage of our D. sericea is quite distinct in comparison; although both have a slightly hairy underside, D. sericea has a longer, narrower and more pointed leaf. The deep pink-purple flowers in May and again in September have a delicate, almost translucent appearance. 

DAPHNE 'Spring Beauty'
(D. sureil x D. bholua) Essentially resembling the wonderful D. bholua, this evergreen hybrid is even more gorgeous, with fabulous pink flowers, slightly later than the bholuas actually, which extends the display rather nicely. Initially I was concerned about its hardiness, but it is thriving for us, tolerating last winter's snow and wind without a murmur. 

DAPHNE 'Spring Herald'
(D. acutiloba x D. bholua) The name really sums it up! When this one flowers, we know that the winter is almost behind us and the days are lengthening. Almost pure white flower stud this lovely evergreen shrub, filling the air with a delicious spicy perfume. The acutiloba influence should make this one hardier than bholua, though flower size suffers a little as a result.

DAPHNE susannae Anton Fahndrich  DAPHNE x susannae 'Anton Fahndrich' 
(D. arbuscula x D. collina) This hybrid from the continent is typical of this group, with glossy dark green leaves and bright pink flowers in April-May. Potentially 15" x 3' For me it is distinguished by its slightly hairy foliage. It seems a little harder to grow than 'Cheriton' below, and this may be why - a greater vulnerability to winter wet.

DAPHNE susannae Cheriton  DAPHNE x susannae 'Cheriton '
(D. arbuscula x D. collina) Hybrid vigour makes it grow away better for us than D. collina, yet it should not get as big eventually. Thus, we can have the ideal plant - something which won't get too big, but which will get on and do it quickly! Flower colour is darker than D. collina, more akin to the purple of D. arbuscula. Summer flowering.

DAPHNE susannae Tichborne  DAPHNE x susannae 'Tichborne' 
(D. collina x D. arbuscula) make this the reverse cross of D. x susannae ' Cheriton'. The very fragrant pink flowers are paler and larger than those of 'Cheriton'. Expect 1' high by 2' wide.

Daphne tangutica DAPHNE tangutica 
One of the best Daphnes for the beginner! It is relatively tolerant of most sites, though it prefers light shade, and freely produces masses of fragrant white flowers, tinged purple in April. More flowers from June until the frosts. Red berries.

DAPHNE tangutica 'Golden Dream'
This exciting plant sported here and by careful propagation I have a few to sell this year. The variegation is vivid to say the least, giving the effect of bright golden foliage, though the narrow green margin provides enough chlorophyll to sustain it. Best in a site that is at least partially shaded.

DAPHNE x thauma 'Aymon Correvon' 

See Daphne x hendersonii 'Aymon Correvon'.

DAPHNE x transatlantica 'Beulah Cross'
This is a fantastic plant! Essentially a variegated form of D. × transatlantica 'Jim's Pride', the leaves are margined creamy white which does not detract from the pale pinky-white flowers. As a point of interest, 'Jim's Pride' is the name now given to the North American clone of an evergreen shrub long known, grown, and labelled as D. caucasica, but which was later discovered to be a hybrid between that species and D. collina. Our D. caucasica (even if we do struggle to propagate it!) is definitely the real thing!

DAPHNE 'Valerie Hillier'
(D. longilobata x D. cneorum) Originally created by the Hillier Nurseries propagator in the 1980s, this hybrid is very much intermediate between its disparate parents, inheriting their rather open, lax habit. Happily however, it produces its fragrant pink flowers for a long period throughout the summer. Tolerant of sun or semi-shade. 1-1.5m

DAPHNE velenovskii DAPHNE velenovskii
Closely related to D. cneorum though in my experience considerably less vigorous. However, the foliage is distinctive, with a blue sheen. Pink flowers.

Daphne Beauworth DAPHNE x whiteorum 'Beauworth' 
(D. jasminea x D. petraea 'Grandiflora') As suggested by its parentage, this evergreen is an alpine type, again to roughly "football size". The clear pink very fragrant flowers are absolutely gorgeous in early summer. Narrow slightly glaucous from the D. jasminea parent, so it has a particular dislike of winter wet.

DAPHNE x whiteorum 'Kilmeston' 
(D. petraea ' Grandiflora' x D. jasminea) This is the reverse cross of 'Beauworth'. The leaves are more akin to D. jasminea, but the habit is intermediate. The flowers are a deep pink in bud, opening almost white, giving a wonderful contrast between the open flowers and new buds on the same plant. As with so many of the alpine types, it is basically cold hardy but does not always appreciate the dampness of our winters.

DAPHNE x whiteorum 'Warnford'
(D. petraea 'Grandiflora' x D. jasminea) The D. jasminea parentage is quite obvious in this one, having as it does, rather glaucous foliage and a trailing habit. However, so far it has fared dramatically better than it's temperamental cousin. The typical flowers are purple in bud, opening white and cover the plant in July, continuing sporadically until the frosts. Good light helps keep the growth dense. It will definitely not thrive in a dark, damp spot.

DAPHNE wolongensis 'Guardsman'
This species from the Sichuan province in China has only recently been described and named and this selection is a fabulous plant. It is very distinctly upright (hence the name) with small glossy, dark evergreen leaves. The flowers are smaller than some, but a wonderful rich pink, clothing the stems in early spring. It really works for me! 

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