last updated 31/10/2014

RHAMNUS alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' 
Much admired here, this is a great plant for maritime sites or indeed any garden. Slow to establish perhaps, but then a really tough evergreen with small deep green leaves which are broadly margined white. It does flower, but they are not the reason to plant it. Ours is home to a blackbird, much to the frustration of the dog…

RIBES gayanum 
An extremely unusual small evergreen shrub with soft green velvety green leaves. It produces masses of bell shaped pale yellow flowers in erect racemes in June. with the added bonus that they are honey scented. Easy to grow in a sunny site.

RIBES x gordonianum 
(R. odoratum x R. sanguineum) The flower on this Ribes is delightful - it is intermediate between its parents in most respects and extremely hardy. The drooping racemes of flowers in spring are quite spectacular, being bronze red on the outside and yellow within. Expect most of 2m high.

RIBES odoratum
This is like an old friend re-visited, it is so long since we last propagated this one, yet it is such a handsome creature with its shiny light green leaves. Nevertheless, it is the bright yellow clove-scented flowers in April that make it worth its space in any garden.

ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Green Ginger'

ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Prostratus' 
Not a rare plant, but one that should be in every garden in a sunny well drained spot. My son loves pulling off handfuls of the aromatic foliage to add to barbecues. Ours produces its pretty lilac blue flowers all winter - a legacy of its extended summer pruning I suspect!

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